Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans
Maize Production in Kenya by County – Agriculture Statistics
Maize is a staple and a major source of energy supply for most Kenyans who consume cereals.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Kenyans get 57% of their energy supply from cereals such as maize, wheat, ...
Wheat Production in Kenya by County - Agriculture Statistics
Wheat is one of Kenya’s major food crops, alongside maize, beans, Irish potatoes, cassava, and sweet potatoes. It is mainly grown in Narok and Nakuru Counties.
However, even though Kenyans consume a lot of wheat, the country cannot meet the demand ...
A Large Share of Food Consumed in Kenyan Households is Purchased
Where do most Kenyans get their food, and how does it affect their well-being? A 2022 Kenya Continuous and Household Survey (KCHS) highlights three major sources of food in most Kenyan households:
Purchases (including stock)
Own production
The KCHS evaluates a household’s ...
Kenya Food Crop Production - Production Area, Quantity and Value in Ksh
Growing crops forms a significant part of Kenya's agricultural sector. In 2023, the overall GDP of the agricultural sector in Kenya was Ksh 3.3 trillion, representing 21.8% of the country’s overall GDP.
Crop growing accounted for 15.4% of the country's ...
County Contribution to Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | DATA
Agriculture is one of the main drivers of the Kenyan economy. In 2023, the overall GDP of the agricultural sector at current prices was Ksh 3.3 trillion, representing a contribution of 21.8% to Kenya’s overall GDP.[1]
Quick Facts
Agriculture is the ...