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Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans

Economy and Development

Image shows Employment: Working Population in Kenya by County and Gender

Employment: Working Population in Kenya by County and Gender

Employment plays an important role in a country's economy. As of 2022, Kenya had an estimated working population of 20 million people. Quick Facts The total number of people in Kenya who were working in 2022 was 19,999,387. The population of working men ...
Image shows Financial Inclusion and Exclusion in Kenya - Access to Financial Services by County

Financial Inclusion and Exclusion in Kenya - Access to Financial Services by County

Access to financial services is key to a country's growth and development and determines the financial health of the population.  According to the 2024 FinAccess Survey[1], an individual is considered to have access to financial services if they have a financial ...
Image shows Kenya: Gross Domestic Product - Kenya GDP

Kenya: Gross Domestic Product - Kenya GDP

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total value of complete goods and services produced in a country within a given period.[1] The GDP of a country estimates the size of an economy as well as its growth over time. ...
Image shows Kenya: Gross National Income per Capita - Kenya GNI

Kenya: Gross National Income per Capita - Kenya GNI

Gross National Income (GNI) is the GDP plus the net income from all sources earned by a country's residents and businesses, regardless of where the business or the resident is located.[1] The GNI includes incomes that residents and businesses from ...
Image shows Human Development Index in Kenya – HDI by County

Human Development Index in Kenya – HDI by County

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of wellbeing across countries. It incorporates three key dimensions of human life: knowledge, standards of living, and a long, healthy life.[1] The Human Development Index measures a long, healthy life by ...
Image shows Households Access to Safe Drinking Water in Kenya by Constituency

Households Access to Safe Drinking Water in Kenya by Constituency

Access to safe drinking water describes households with water piped into their homes or those that get water from protected wells and springs, boreholes with pumps, bottled water, or rainwater.[1] Unlike surface water and other unimproved sources such as unprotected ...
Image shows Households with Access to Safe Drinking Water in Kenya

Households with Access to Safe Drinking Water in Kenya

A household in Kenya is considered to have access to safe drinking water if its main source of water is improved and shielded from contamination.  Improved sources of water include piped water, boreholes with pumps, bottled water, rainwater, protected wells, and ...
Image shows Households Access to Piped Water in Kenya by County - Data

Households Access to Piped Water in Kenya by County - Data

Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental human right and a basic necessity.[1] In Kenya, piped water is classified as an improved source of water, with a reduced risk of contamination from pathogens. This post provides data and statistics ...
Image shows Number of People Using the Internet in Kenya: Access to the Internet by County

Number of People Using the Internet in Kenya: Access to the Internet by County

An internet user is anyone who has used the internet at least once in the last three months from any location and device, including a mobile phone, digital television, computer, or other technological device.[1] Higher internet use by a population ...
Image shows Population using the Internet in Kenya by Constituency - Stats Kenya

Population using the Internet in Kenya by Constituency - Stats Kenya

An internet user is a person who has used the internet at least once in the last three months from any location and using any device, including a computer, digital television, or mobile phone. In 2021, the percentage of the ...
Image shows Kenya: Access to Electricity by Constituency - Stats Kenya

Kenya: Access to Electricity by Constituency - Stats Kenya

Access to electricity is a household’s connectivity to sufficient electricity capable of providing a minimum amount of energy to power an essential bundle of services such as lighting several bulbs, charging a phone, and lighting a TV, radio, and fan.[1] ...
Image shows Rural Access Index in Kenya by County

Rural Access Index in Kenya by County

The Rural Access Index (RAI) is the share of people living within two kilometres of an all-season road. It measures the accessibility of road networks to the populations living in rural areas. The most recent estimates suggest that 70 per ...