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Kenya Food Crop Production - Production Area, Quantity and Value in Ksh

Growing crops forms a significant part of Kenya's agricultural sector. In 2023, the overall GDP of the agricultural sector in Kenya was Ksh 3.3 trillion, representing 21.8% of the country’s overall GDP.

Crop growing accounted for 15.4% of the country's GDP, outpacing animal production at 3.8%, forestry at 1.8%, and fishing at 0.6%.[1] In Kenya, crop growing consists of food crops and cash crops, with food crops forming essential staples for local consumption.

This article presents key data and statistics on Kenya's food crop production including quantities produced in tons, area under cultivation, and the value of harvested crops in the market. 

Quick Facts

  1. Maize production in Kenya was valued at Ksh 199 billion in 2023.
  2. Beans production was valued at Ksh 113 billion.
  3. The value of Irish potatoes produced was Ksh 74 billion.

What are food crops grown in Kenya?

Kenyan farmers grow a wide variety of food crops such as maize, beans, Irish potatoes, rice, sorghum, millet, pigeon peas, cowpeas, soya beans, barley, green grams, sweet potatoes, cassava, yams, chickpeas, cocoyam, Dolichos, grain amaranth, pearl millet, and broad beans. 

Every year, the State Department for Crops Development and Agriculture Research (SDCDAR) and the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) evaluate the agricultural sector's performance, providing vital statistics on the total area of food crop production in hectares (ha), production quantity in tons, and total value of produce in Ksh.[2]

Total production value of food crops

The chart below shows the total value of food crops grown in Kenya. In 2023, maize production was valued at Ksh 199 billion, followed by beans at Ksh 113 billion. Irish potatoes were valued at Ksh 74 billion.

This is a chart showing the value of food crops grown in Kenya. Maize production was valued at Ksh 199 billion, followed by beans at Ksh 113 billion. The third was Irish potatoes at Ksh 74 billion.

Cassava production was valued at Ksh 38.7 billion, sweet potatoes at Ksh 21.1 billion, wheat at Ksh 14.3 billion, green grams at Ksh 12.7 billion, sorghum at Ksh 10.2 billion, rice at Ksh 8.1 billion, cow pea at Ksh 7.9 billion, and finger millet at Ksh 4.5 billion.

Others include pea production, which was valued at Ksh 2.5 billion, pearl millet at Ksh 2.3 billion, barley at Ksh 1.3 billion, cocoyam at Ksh 1.2 billion, yams at Ksh 1.1 billion, soya beans at Ksh 730 million, Dolichos at Ksh 712 million, chickpeas at Ksh 24.6 million, grain amaranth at Ksh 18.9 million, and broad beans at Ksh 5.1 million.

The total quantity of food crops produced in tons

The chart below shows the total quantity of food crops produced in tons. In 2023, maize production was 4.4 million tons, followed by Irish potatoes at 2.3 million tons and cassava at 1.2 million tons. 

Chart showing the total production of various food crops in tons. Total maize production was 4.4 million tons, followed by Irish potatoes at 2.3 million tons.

Beans production was 1 million tons, sweet potatoes 669,149 tons, wheat 309,492 tons, sorghum 201,524 tons, green grams 168,404 tons, rice 151,856 tons, cow pea 142,719, pigeon peas 92,061 tons, and finger millet at 52,387 tons.

Others are pearl millet, 43,703 tons; peas, 38,685 tons; barley, 32,876 tons; cocoyam, 16,740 tons; yams, 13,135 tons; soya beans, 10,126 tons; Dolichos, 6,430 tons; grain amaranth, 375 tons, chickpeas, 209 tons, and broad beans, 63 tons.

Total food production area in hectares

The chart below shows the total area under food crops in hectares. Maize was grown on 2.6 million hectares, followed by beans on 1.3 million hectares. Green grams were produced on 296,289 hectares, and cowpeas on 249,908 hectares. 

Chart showing the total area of various food crops production in Kenya in 2023. The total area under maize production was 2.6 million hectares, followed by beans at 1.3 million hectares.

The total area under Irish potatoes production was 240,417 ha, sorghum 220,112 ha, pigeon peas 153,123 ha, wheat 104,440 ha, pearl millet 77,471 ha, cassava 76,012 ha, sweet potatoes 54,423 ha, and finger millet 52,277 ha.

The total area under rice production was 32,017 ha, peas 13,442 ha, barley 13,292 ha, Soya beans 11,313 ha, Dolichos 9,574 ha, cocoyam 2,016 ha, yams 1,276 ha, chickpeas 525 ha, grain amaranth 276 ha, and broad beans 64 hectares.

See Also

  1. Share of agriculture GDP by county
  2. Undernutrition and wasting among children in Kenya by county


[1] KNBS (2024). Economic Survey 2024. Nairobi, Kenya.

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