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Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans


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Equitable Share Revenue Allocation in Kenya by County

The Constitution of Kenya requires that the county governments equitably share at least fifteen percent of all revenue collected by the national government.[1] As a result, all 47 counties of Kenya receive an equitable share allocation from the national government ...
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Own Source Revenue Collection by Counties in Kenya

Own-source revenue is the amount of money collected locally by counties from providing goods and services to their constituents.  Own-source revenue sources often include fees from single business permits, land rates, game park fees, county housing, cess, and other sources. The ...
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Total Pending Bills in Kenya – County and National Government

A pending bill is an unpaid invoice or bill that a government entity owes to suppliers, contractors, and service providers for services and goods that have already been received. Pending bills remain unpaid beyond their due date and can arise from ...
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Expenditures by County Governments - Development and Recurrent

The national government allocates money to counties annually to meet their development and recurrent expenditures.  Development expenditures go toward new projects in the county, while recurrent expenditures ensure the continuity of county government functions by spending on operations, maintenance, and personnel ...
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Tribe and Ethnicity in Kenya - Number of People by Tribe

According to the 2019 census, Kenya's population was 47,564,296.[1] This population is distributed across 46 tribes and ethnicities, including Kenyan Americans, Kenyan Europeans, and Kenyan Asians.[2] Our population also includes individuals who do not identify with any tribe and choose ...
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Kenya Adult Mortality Rate in Males and Females by County

The adult mortality rate is the probability of a 15-year-old dying before reaching age 60 if he or she is subject to the current age-specific mortality rate between those ages.[1] Ideally, if you are a 15-year-old person today, the adult mortality ...
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Age Structure in Nyeri County: Number of People by Age and Sex

Age structure is the distribution of people across various age categories. In Nyeri County, the age pyramid allows us to visualize how people of different age groups are distributed by sex.  In 2024, Nyeri County had a population of 844,000, up ...
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National Government Expenditure on Foreign Travel in Kenya - FY 2023-2024

Government officials, including elected members of the executive and public servants in ministries and departments, travel abroad every year.  In the Financial Year 2023/2024, the national government expenditure on foreign travel was Ksh 1.2 billion.[1] Quick Facts Total government expenditure on foreign ...
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Prevalence of Obesity Among Women in Kenya by County

Overweight and obesity are indicators of a population's health and nutritional status. They are measured using the Body Mass Index (BMI), which is assessed based on a person's weight and height.  BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the ...
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National Government Expenditure on Education in Kenya

Every year, the government of Kenya spends the money it collects from taxes, loans, and other sources to run its operations, conduct routine maintenance activities on existing infrastructure, develop critical sectors, and pay salaries and benefits to its employees.  Education is ...