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Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans


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Median Age at First Marriage in Kenya by County

The median age at first marriage is the age by which half of the surveyed population was married. In Kenya, the DHS surveys people and determines the age at which a respondent starts living with their spouse. From these data, ...
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Number of Muslims in Kenya | Counties with the Largest Muslim Population

Islam is the second-largest religion in Kenya after Christianity, with 10.9% of the population being Muslims. According to the 2019 census, Kenya had 5,152,194 Muslims. In contrast, the number of Christians was 40,379,079, or 86% of the population.[1] Christians are ...
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Christians in Kenya by County and Denomination

Kenya is a religious country, and most people profess one religion or another. Recent data suggests that Kenya is predominantly Christian, with 86% of the population practicing Christianity. Islam is the second largest religion, practiced by 10.9% of the population.[1] ...
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Recent and Lifetime Migration Patterns in Nairobi County

Nairobi is a city of migrants, with nearly half its population born outside the county. Nairobi offers numerous opportunities for jobs, education, and higher incomes, which attracts migrants from all other counties. In 2019, Nairobi had a migration rate of ...
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Lifetime and Recent Migration in Kenya by County

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another and can be internal or external. Internal migration occurs when people move within the same region or country. In contrast, external migration happens when people leave one country for ...
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Number of Children per Woman | Fertility Rates in Kenya

The total fertility rate is the number of children a woman is expected to have if she lives to the end of her childbearing years. In Kenya, the fertility rate was 3.4 children per woman in 2019, meaning women get, ...
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Access to Basic Sanitation Services in Kenya by County

Poor sanitation is one of the leading risk factors for death in Kenya, with 9,012 people estimated to die from unsafe water sources annually. Similarly, 7,588 die from unsafe sanitation, and 7,499 die from lack of access to safe handwashing ...
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Population Access to Electricity in Kenya by County

Electricity access is a household's connectivity to sufficient electricity capable of providing a minimum amount of energy to power a basic bundle of services such as phone charging, lighting several bulbs, radio, TV, and fan.[1] According to the World Energy ...
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Teenage Pregnancy Rates in Kenya by County

The teenage pregnancy rate is the share of the female population aged 13 to 19 that becomes pregnant in a given year. It is linked to child marriages and the associated increase in fertility rates among teenagers in a population.  In ...
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Child Marriages and Teenage Pregnancies in Kenya

Teenage or adolescent pregnancies occur in girls and women below the age of twenty. It also includes women who have attained the age of majority but become pregnant in their teens.  On the other hand, child marriages are unions between girls ...