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Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans


Image shows Completeness of Death Registration in Kenya by County

Completeness of Death Registration in Kenya by County

The completeness of death registration is the proportion of expected deaths to the actual number of registered deaths in a given year.[1] Like the completeness of birth registration, it measures the government’s capacity to account for all the deaths that ...
Image shows Completeness of Birth Registration – Expected vs Registered Births in Kenya by County

Completeness of Birth Registration – Expected vs Registered Births in Kenya by County

The completeness of birth registration – often expressed as a percentage, tells us to what degree the government can account for all the children born in a given year.  To do this, it calculates the expected number of children born in ...
Image shows Human Development Index in Kenya – HDI by County

Human Development Index in Kenya – HDI by County

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of wellbeing across countries. It incorporates three key dimensions of human life: knowledge, standards of living, and a long, healthy life.[1] The Human Development Index measures a long, healthy life by ...
Image shows HIV in Kenya by County – Prevalence, New Infections, Deaths

HIV in Kenya by County – Prevalence, New Infections, Deaths

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the white blood cells in the human body, leading to a weakened immune system.  The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease that occurs in the later stages of an HIV ...
Image shows Households with Access to Safe Drinking Water in Kenya

Households with Access to Safe Drinking Water in Kenya

A household in Kenya is considered to have access to safe drinking water if its main source of water is improved and shielded from contamination.  Improved sources of water include piped water, boreholes with pumps, bottled water, rainwater, protected wells, and ...
Image shows Kenya Adult Mortality Rate in Males and Females by County

Kenya Adult Mortality Rate in Males and Females by County

The adult mortality rate is the probability of a 15-year-old dying before reaching age 60 if he or she is subject to the current age-specific mortality rate between those ages.[1] Ideally, if you are a 15-year-old person today, the adult mortality ...
Image shows Prevalence of Obesity Among Women in Kenya by County

Prevalence of Obesity Among Women in Kenya by County

Overweight and obesity are indicators of a population's health and nutritional status. They are measured using the Body Mass Index (BMI), which is assessed based on a person's weight and height.  BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the ...
Image shows Number of Deaths in Kenya per Year - Stats Kenya

Number of Deaths in Kenya per Year - Stats Kenya

Every year, people die in Kenya from a wide variety of causes, including disease, accidents, homicides, suicide, and other natural causes. These deaths are recorded and can be used to inform health and social policy.  Additionally, knowing the number of deaths ...
Image shows Kenya: Life Expectancy at Birth by County and Gender

Kenya: Life Expectancy at Birth by County and Gender

Life expectancy is the number of years a person is expected to live. As a statistical estimate, it tells us the average age people born in a particular period will be when they die, assuming the mortality patterns during their ...
Image shows Access to Basic Sanitation Services in Kenya by County

Access to Basic Sanitation Services in Kenya by County

Poor sanitation is one of the leading risk factors for death in Kenya, with 9,012 people estimated to die from unsafe water sources annually. Similarly, 7,588 die from unsafe sanitation, and 7,499 die from lack of access to safe handwashing ...
Image shows Undernutrition and Wasting Among Children in Kenya

Undernutrition and Wasting Among Children in Kenya

Wasting manifests under conditions of severe undernutrition, causing individuals to have a low weight for their height. In Kenya, it occurs when individuals and children living in food poverty do not receive enough nutritious food.  It can also occur after a ...