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Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans


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Kenya at the Olympics - 2024

Beatrice Chebet won two gold medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics. She represented Kenya in the Women's 5000m and 10,000m races. Faith Kipyegon won silver in the women's 5,000m, and Mary Moraa won bronze in the women's 800m. Faith Cherotich ...
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Rural Access Index in Kenya by County

The Rural Access Index (RAI) is the share of people living within two kilometres of an all-season road. It measures the accessibility of road networks to the populations living in rural areas. The most recent estimates suggest that 70 per ...
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Number of Intersex People in Kenya

Kenya is the only country in Africa to recognize a third gender and one of a few globally to do so. However, the recognition of a third gender in Kenya is only limited to the intersex.[1] Other countries that legally ...
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Crude Birth Rate by County | Kenya

The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is the number of live births born per 1,000 population annually. Kenya had a Crude Birth Rate of 27.9 live births per 1,000 population in 2019.[1]  According to the UN World Population Prospects, Kenya had a ...
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Wealth and Economic Wellbeing in Kenya

Introduction Experts develop tools and indices to measure wealth and economic wellbeing across regions, ensuring more adequate and accurate interventions for the poor. However, unlike in the developed world, where wealth is measured using income-based metrics, asset-based measures are preferred in ...
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List of Major Lakes in Kenya by Size

Kenya has a total surface area of 610,000 sq. kilometers and includes its total land area, lakes, and rivers. These areas cover all the regions within the Kenyan boundaries and constitute all eight provinces and forty-seven counties.  Difference between surface area ...
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Kenya Total Land Area

The land area of a country is its total area, excluding areas covered by inland water bodies such as lakes and rivers, exclusive economic zones, and a country's claim to the continental shelf. It, however, includes mountains, forests, national parks ...
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Wealth Inequality in Kenya

The Gini coefficient, or the Gini index, is a statistical measure of wealth and income inequality within a nation or population. The Gini Index ranges from 0 to 1, with zero standing for perfect equality and one for perfect inequality. The ...
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Export Processing Zones in Kenya

Export Processing Zones are areas that encourage foreign investments by giving incentives to export-oriented businesses. These incentives include tax exemptions, infrastructural provisions, and quick licensing approvals. Export Processing Zones play a critical role in boosting Kenya's manufacturing sector. Number of EPZs ...
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County Contribution to Service Activities

Kenya is predominantly a service-based economy, with services accounting for a larger GDP share than agriculture and manufacturing. In the 4th quarter of 2023, the Central Bank of Kenya reported that the services’ share of GDP was 58.9%, followed by ...