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Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans


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Poverty rates in Kenya by Constituency - Stats Kenya

The poverty headcount rate is the proportion of the population that lives below the national poverty line. Kenya's most recent poverty data comes from the 2021 Kenya Household Continuous Survey, which reported a headcount poverty rate of 38.6%, a food ...
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Child marriages linked to higher fertility rates

Even though the extent of child marriages has reduced over the years, UNICEF estimates that approximately 650 million women today were married before they turned eighteen.[1] In Kenya, 4.1% of females and 3.9% of males aged 12 – 15 were ...
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Overall Poverty Rates in Kenya by County

The overall poverty rate describes the share of the population that cannot meet its basic food and non-food expenditures. It differs from multidimensional poverty, which measures wellbeing across several indicators such as stunting, nutrition, education, health, sanitation, access to water, ...
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Wealth Inequality in Kenya

The Gini coefficient, or the Gini index, is a statistical measure of wealth and income inequality within a nation or population. The Gini Index ranges from 0 to 1, with zero standing for perfect equality and one for perfect inequality. The ...