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Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans

Wealth and Economic Wellbeing

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Number of People Using the Internet in Kenya: Access to the Internet by County

An internet user is anyone who has used the internet at least once in the last three months from any location and device, including a mobile phone, digital television, computer, or other technological device.[1] Higher internet use by a population ...
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Population using the Internet in Kenya by Constituency - Stats Kenya

An internet user is a person who has used the internet at least once in the last three months from any location and using any device, including a computer, digital television, or mobile phone. In 2021, the percentage of the ...
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Kenya: Access to Electricity by Constituency - Stats Kenya

Access to electricity is a household’s connectivity to sufficient electricity capable of providing a minimum amount of energy to power an essential bundle of services such as lighting several bulbs, charging a phone, and lighting a TV, radio, and fan.[1] ...
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Access to Basic Sanitation Services in Kenya by County

Poor sanitation is one of the leading risk factors for death in Kenya, with 9,012 people estimated to die from unsafe water sources annually. Similarly, 7,588 die from unsafe sanitation, and 7,499 die from lack of access to safe handwashing ...
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Population Access to Electricity in Kenya by County

Electricity access is a household's connectivity to sufficient electricity capable of providing a minimum amount of energy to power a basic bundle of services such as phone charging, lighting several bulbs, radio, TV, and fan.[1] According to the World Energy ...
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Rural Access Index in Kenya by County

The Rural Access Index (RAI) is the share of people living within two kilometres of an all-season road. It measures the accessibility of road networks to the populations living in rural areas. The most recent estimates suggest that 70 per ...
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Wealth and Economic Wellbeing in Kenya

Introduction Experts develop tools and indices to measure wealth and economic wellbeing across regions, ensuring more adequate and accurate interventions for the poor. However, unlike in the developed world, where wealth is measured using income-based metrics, asset-based measures are preferred in ...
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Wealth Inequality in Kenya

The Gini coefficient, or the Gini index, is a statistical measure of wealth and income inequality within a nation or population. The Gini Index ranges from 0 to 1, with zero standing for perfect equality and one for perfect inequality. The ...
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Population of Kenya 2024-2100 | UN population prospects

The United Nation’s 2024 medium projection scenario estimates that Kenya’s population will peak at 104.23 million in 2098. This is lower than the 2022 UN revision that projected a population of 112.53 million by 2100.[1] The downward revision follows a similar ...
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Undernutrition and Wasting Among Children in Kenya

Wasting manifests under conditions of severe undernutrition, causing individuals to have a low weight for their height. It occurs when individuals do not receive enough food or after a period of illness that leads to weight loss. Five percent of ...
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Kenya Population Density by County | Data, Map and Charts

The population density is the number of people living in a location per unit of land area, often denoted in square kilometers. Kenya has a total land area of 580,876.3 square kilometers and a population density of 82 people per ...