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Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans


Image shows Kenya Total Land Area

Kenya Total Land Area

The land area of a country is its total area, excluding areas covered by inland water bodies such as lakes and rivers, exclusive economic zones, and a country's claim to the continental shelf. It, however, includes mountains, forests, national parks ...
Image shows Wealth Inequality in Kenya

Wealth Inequality in Kenya

The Gini coefficient, or the Gini index, is a statistical measure of wealth and income inequality within a nation or population. The Gini Index ranges from 0 to 1, with zero standing for perfect equality and one for perfect inequality. The ...
Image shows Export Processing Zones in Kenya

Export Processing Zones in Kenya

Export Processing Zones are areas that encourage foreign investments by giving incentives to export-oriented businesses. These incentives include tax exemptions, infrastructural provisions, and quick licensing approvals. Export Processing Zones play a critical role in boosting Kenya's manufacturing sector. Number of EPZs ...
Image shows County Contribution to Service Activities

County Contribution to Service Activities

Kenya is predominantly a service-based economy, with services accounting for a larger GDP share than agriculture and manufacturing. In the 4th quarter of 2023, the Central Bank of Kenya reported that the services’ share of GDP was 58.9%, followed by ...
Image shows Gross County Product per capita

Gross County Product per capita

The Gross County Product measures wealth and welfare in the counties. It is derived by dividing the GCP by the population of the county. Counties with higher GCPs per capita tend also to have higher living standards and lower poverty ...
Image shows Gross County Product | County GDP

Gross County Product | County GDP

The Gross County Product (GCP) measures the value created through production by residents of a specific county in Kenya. The GCP is similar to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which tracks the value of goods and services produced within a ...
Image shows The Population of Kenya 2019

The Population of Kenya 2019

The Kenya Population and Housing Census 2019 recorded a total population of 47,564,296 people. The population growth rate between 2019 and 2009 was 2.2%, with the 2009 census having recorded a population of 37.7 million.[1] Population growth The chart below shows the ...
Image shows Number of Households in Kenya by County

Number of Households in Kenya by County

A household consists of a person or a group of people who live together under one roof. It also includes individuals residing within a homestead or compound and answering to the same head. Furthermore, these individuals need to share the ...
Image shows Number of People per Household in Kenya | Map and Data

Number of People per Household in Kenya | Map and Data

The average household size is the mean number of household residents in each house. In Kenya, a household also consists of people who live in the same compound or homestead, even when they do not live in the same house ...
Image shows County Contribution to Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | DATA

County Contribution to Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | DATA

Agriculture is one of the main drivers of the Kenyan economy. In 2023, the overall GDP of the agricultural sector at current prices was Ksh 3.3 trillion, representing a contribution of 21.8% to Kenya’s overall GDP.[1] Quick Facts Agriculture is the ...