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Stats Kenya- Bringing Data to All Kenyans

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Population of Kenya 2025 - Population by County

Kenya's total population was 53,331,000 in 2025.[1] This reflects a 1.7% increase in the number of people between 2024 and 2025. The county with the highest population in 2025 was Nairobi, which had a total population of 4.9 million.  Historical population ...
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HIV in Kenya by County – Prevalence, New Infections, Deaths

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the white blood cells in the human body, leading to a weakened immune system.  The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease that occurs in the later stages of an HIV ...
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Households Access to Safe Drinking Water in Kenya by Constituency

Access to safe drinking water describes households with water piped into their homes or those that get water from protected wells and springs, boreholes with pumps, bottled water, or rainwater.[1] Unlike surface water and other unimproved sources such as unprotected ...
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Male and Female Homicide Rates in Kenya by County

How many people in Kenya die annually from intentional homicides? This article provides up-to-date data on the murder rate in Kenya and the total number of homicide deaths over the years.  We break the data down by gender, capturing the number ...
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Households with Access to Safe Drinking Water in Kenya

A household in Kenya is considered to have access to safe drinking water if its main source of water is improved and shielded from contamination.  Improved sources of water include piped water, boreholes with pumps, bottled water, rainwater, protected wells, and ...
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A Large Share of Food Consumed in Kenyan Households is Purchased

Where do most Kenyans get their food, and how does it affect their well-being? A 2022 Kenya Continuous and Household Survey (KCHS) highlights three major sources of food in most Kenyan households:  Purchases (including stock) Own production Gifts The KCHS evaluates a household’s ...
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Food Poverty Rate in Kenya - Number of People who Cannot Afford Food

The food poverty rate is the percentage of individuals whose monthly food consumption expenditure is lower than the food poverty line. It highlights individuals and households that cannot afford or access healthy food for daily sustenance.  Food poverty has been associated ...
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Households Access to Piped Water in Kenya by County - Data

Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental human right and a basic necessity.[1] In Kenya, piped water is classified as an improved source of water, with a reduced risk of contamination from pathogens. This post provides data and statistics ...
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Poverty Lines in Kenya - Measuring Food and Overall Poverty

How do we know if a Kenyan is poor? The poverty line is the threshold someone needs to meet to be considered poor.  The Kenya Household and Continuous Survey (KHCS) measures three different forms of poverty: overall (absolute) poverty, food poverty, ...
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Hardcore Poverty Rates in Kenya by County

The hardcore poverty rate is the percentage of people or households whose total monthly consumption expenditure, including food, clothes, and other expenses, was lower than the food poverty line.  In Kenya, the food poverty line in urban areas was Ksh 3,520 ...
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Kenya Food Crop Production - Production Area, Quantity and Value in Ksh

Growing crops forms a significant part of Kenya's agricultural sector. In 2023, the overall GDP of the agricultural sector in Kenya was Ksh 3.3 trillion, representing 21.8% of the country’s overall GDP. Crop growing accounted for 15.4% of the country's ...
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Kenya Adult Mortality Rate in Males and Females by County

The adult mortality rate is the probability of a 15-year-old dying before reaching age 60 if he or she is subject to the current age-specific mortality rate between those ages.[1] Ideally, if you are a 15-year-old person today, the adult mortality ...