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County Contribution to Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | DATA

Agriculture is one of the main drivers of the Kenyan economy. In 2023, the overall GDP of the agricultural sector at current prices was Ksh 3.3 trillion, representing a contribution of 21.8% to Kenya’s overall GDP.[1]

Quick Facts

  1. Agriculture is the largest sector of Kenya's economy, accounting for 21.8% of Kenya's Gross Domestic Product in 2023.
  2. Meru County has the highest agricultural output, accounting for 8% of the total agriculture GDP.
  3. Nairobi, Isiolo, Samburu, and Mombasa are the least agricultural counties, each contributing 0.2% to the total agriculture GDP.

Agriculture is the largest sector in Kenya’s economy

Agriculture, forestry and fishing accounts for close to a quarter (21.8%) of the country’s GDP.

A larger share of the agricultural GDP is as a result of growing crops, representing 15.4% of the nation's GDP.

Animal production is least dominant compared to growing crops and represents 3.8% of our GDP.

Other agricultural sectors, such as forestry and logging (1.8%), fishing and aquaculture (0.6%), and agriculture support services (0.2%), are equally less prominent than growing crops.

Chart showing the nominal GDP of Kenya by broad sectors including agriculture.  In 2023, the overall GDP of the agricultural sector at current prices was Ksh 3.3 trillion, representing a contribution of 21.8% to Kenya’s overall GDP.

The agricultural sector grew by 6.5% in 2023, with animal production growing by 9.7%.

Conversely, growing crops rose by 6.4%, forestry and logging by 2.8%, and support activities by 2.3%.

Fishing and aquaculture declined by 2.9%.

Meru and Nakuru are the top agricultural counties in Kenya

Counties with better agricultural conditions record higher agricultural output than those without.

Between 2019 and 2023, Meru, Nakuru, Nyandarua, Murang’a, and Kiambu counties contributed the highest average value to agriculture, forestry, and fishing activities.

The top counties in agriculture, forestry, and fishing based on their 5-year average contribution to agriculture Gross Value Added are[2]:

  1. Meru 8%
  2. Nakuru 6.3%
  3. Nyandarua 4.5%
  4. Murang’a 4.1%
  5. Kiambu 3.8%
  6. Nandi 3.6%
  7. Bungoma 3.6%
  8. Bomet 3.5%
  9. Kakamega 3.5%
  10. Kisii 3.5%


Chart showing the county contribution to agriculture, forestry, and fishing based on each counties average contribution to gross value added.  Between 2019 and 2023, Meru, Nakuru, Nyandarua, Murang’a, and Kiambu counties contributed the highest average value to agriculture, forestry, and fishing activities

The counties with the lowest average contribution to Gross Value Added are:

  1. Nairobi 0.2%
  2. Samburu 0.2%
  3. Isiolo 0.2%
  4. Mombasa 0.2%
  5. Tana River 0.4%
  6. Lamu 0.5%
  7. Marsabit 0.6%
  8. Garissa 0.7%
  9. Taita Taveta 0.7%
  10. Kajiado 0.8%

See Also

  1. County contribution to the manufacturing industry in Kenya
  2. County contribution to the services industry in Kenya
  3. County GDP per capita
  4. Gross County Product – County GDP


[1] KNBS 2024. Economic Survey 2024. Nairobi, Kenya. (p. 42).

[2] KNBS 2024. Gross county product 2024. Nairobi, Kenya.

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