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Kenya Adult Mortality Rate in Males and Females by County

The adult mortality rate is the probability of a 15-year-old dying before reaching age 60 if he or she is subject to the current age-specific mortality rate between those ages.[1]

Ideally, if you are a 15-year-old person today, the adult mortality rate tells us your chances of celebrating your 60th birthday.

Quick Facts

  1. The adult mortality rate among Males in Kenya was 419.4 deaths per 1,000 males in 2021.
  2. The adult mortality rate among Kenyan females was 310.9 deaths per 1,000 females in 2021.
  3. In males, Homa Bay County had the highest adult mortality of 492 deaths per 1000 in 2019.
  4. In females, Tana River County had the highest adult mortality rate of 377 deaths per 1000 in 2019.

Males in Kenya have a higher adult mortality rate than females

In 2021, the World Bank recorded an adult mortality among Kenyan males of 419.4 deaths per 1,000. This means that out of every 1000 men who were alive at the age of 15 in that year, 419 will die before they reach age 60.[2]

Kenyan females had a lower adult mortality rate of 310.9 deaths per 1,000, suggesting that out of every 1000 females aged 15 in 2021, around 311 would die before reaching their 60th birthday.

The difference in mortality rate between males and females can be attributed to the higher number of deaths among males across the lifespan, with the number of deaths diverging significantly from age 15 onwards, as seen in the chart below.

A grouped bar chart showing the percentage of deaths in Kenya by age and sex in 2023. Male deaths comprise the largest share of deaths in every age group from birth to 74 years.  In 75 and above, female deaths dominate male deaths.  

For instance, the Kenya Economic Survey reported that males aged 15-24 accounted for 61.3% of the total deaths in 2023. Between 25 – 34, males accounted for 62.9% of the deaths, and between 35 – 44, the share of male deaths was 62.1%.[3]

More male children are born, but fewer reach adulthood

The higher adult mortality among males can also be demonstrated by looking at sex ratios between childhood and adulthood. At birth, more male children are born than females. However, by adulthood, the population sex ratio tilts towards more females than males.

The UN World Population Prospects, for instance, estimated the sex ratio at birth for Kenya to be 102 males for 100 females in 2023. In the same year, the population sex ratio was 98.9 males per 100 females.[4][5]

The country goes from having more males at birth than females to the reverse. This result can be attributed to higher mortality in males than females across the lifespan, meaning from birth onwards, more males than females die, as demonstrated by the chart above.

How has the adult mortality rate in Kenya changed throughout the years?

The trend in adult mortality rate among males and females in Kenya provides essential perspectives on the nature of deaths in Kenya.

The chart below shows the adult mortality rate in males and females from 1950 to 2021.

Line plot showing the trend in adult mortality in males and females in Kenya from 1960 to 2021. Females have a lower adult mortality rate than males throughout the period.

Key highlights from the chart above include:

  1. Adult mortality rates in males and females have declined in the last two decades. In females, the rate fell from 422.8 deaths in 2001 to 310.9 in 2021. Ideally, 112 more women will survive to age 60 today than they did in 2001.
  2. The decline in mortality in males in the last two decades has been slower. In 2001, the adult mortality rate in males was 456.3 deaths per 1000, which dropped to 419.4 deaths per 1000 in 2021. Unlike in females, the decline was slower, with only 37 additional men expected to reach age 60. 
  3. Males in Kenya today have a higher probability of death than in 1960. In 1960, the adult mortality rate in males was 391.7 deaths per 1000 compared to 2021, whereby the mortality rate was 419.4 deaths per 1,000. 
  4. On the contrary, females in Kenya have a lower probability of death today than in 1960. In 1960, the adult mortality rate in Kenyan females was 332.7 deaths per 1000, which dropped to 310.9 deaths in 2021.
  5. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Kenya led to the highest increase in the adult mortality rate. From the chart above, the adult mortality rate was highest between 1987 and 2001, a period coinciding with the AIDS epidemic.[6]

A double y-axis chart showing the number of deaths from HIV between 2000 and 2018, and the antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage within the same period.

The adult mortality rate in 2001 before the introduction of Antiretroviral therapy was 422.8 deaths per 1000 in females and 456.3 deaths per 1000 in males. Initially, the adult mortality rate had reached its lowest levels in 1981, whereby females had an adult mortality rate of 194.1 deaths per 1000 and males 265.6 deaths per 1000.

How does Kenya’s adult mortality rate compare with other countries?

Adult mortality rates are higher in Africa than in the rest of the world. The map below shows female adult mortality worldwide based on data from the UN World Population Prospects.[7]

World map showing the mortality rate in adult females in 2022. Dar shades of orange indicate a higher female adult mortality rate.

Kenya's adult mortality rate in females of 301.5 deaths per 1000 in 2022 was higher than Tanzania's 185.3 deaths per 1000 and Uganda's 233.9 deaths per 1000.

Other countries are:

  1. Rwanda 183.7
  2. Ethiopia 170.6
  3. DRC 250
  4. Somalia 288.4

The same trend is observed in males, whereby men have a higher adult mortality rate in Africa than in the rest of the world. Similarly, the adult mortality rate among males in Kenya is higher than in neighboring countries.

The map below shows the adult mortality rate in males across the world.

World map showing the mortality rate in among adult males in 2022. Darker shades of purple indicate a higher adult mortality rate.

The adult mortality rate among men in Kenya was 407.9 deaths per 1000 in 2022, which was higher than in Tanzania, where males have an adult mortality rate of 245.9 deaths per 1000.

Male adult mortality rates in other neighboring countries include:

  1. Uganda 325.7
  2. Rwanda 263.4
  3. Ethiopia 268.2
  4. Somalia 372.9
  5. DRC 328.1

The Adult Mortality Rate in Kenya varies by area of residence and county

According to the 2019 census, the adult mortality rate among males in Kenya was 340.7 deaths per 1000, with rural areas having a higher adult mortality rate than urban areas.[8]

In urban areas, the male adult mortality rate in 2019 was 288.5 deaths per 1000, while in rural areas, it was 356.4.

On the other hand, the adult mortality rate among females in 2019 was 211.7 deaths per 1000, with rural areas having a mortality rate of 233.1 deaths per 1000 and urban regions 178.3 deaths per 1000.[9]

Counties that had the highest adult mortality among males in 2019 were: Homa Bay, at 492 deaths per 1000, Siaya 464, Nyamira 461, Kisumu 459, Migori 458, Kitui 453, Kisii 453, Machakos 429, Kajiado 428, Nyandarua 420, Makueni 418, Kericho 414, Elgeyo Marakwet 412, Turkana 410, Murang'a 409, Tana River 407, Kwale 400, Wajir 400, Bomet 400, West Pokot 399, Samburu 388, and Kilifi 397.

Counties with the lowest adult mortality among males in 2019 were: Mombasa at 212 deaths per 1000, Lamu at 214, Bungoma at 219, Nyeri at 224, Baringo at 227, Trans Nzoia at 241, Kakamega at 243, Busia at 257, Nairobi 266, Uasin Gishu 274, Meru 278, Tharaka Nithi 290, Vihiga 314, Isiolo 320, Taita Taveta 322, Nandi 352, Kiambu 356, Kirinyaga 365, Embu 381, Garissa 393, Narok 395, Mandera 396, Nakuru 397, Laikipia 397, and Marsabit 397.

Dot plot showing the adult female mortality on the vertical axis and male adult mortality on the horizontal axis. Female mortality is highest in Tana River and lowest in Nyeri while male adult mortality is highest in Homa Bay and lowest in Mombasa.

Among females, the adult mortality rate in 2019 was highest in Tana River at 377 deaths per 1000, Kilifi 373, Isiolo 357, Mandera 353, Kwale 352, Garissa 348, West Pokot 346, Narok 335, Wajir 331, Turkana 330, Makueni 327, Elgeyo Marakwet 325, Kericho 319, Nyandarua 314, Marsabit 312, Kajiado 310, Bomet 307, Machakos 302, Siaya 293, Murang’a 289, Homa Bay 284, Kisumu 263, and Migori 257.

Counties with the lowest female adult mortality in 2019 were: Nyeri 77 deaths per 1000, Mombasa 139, Uasin Gishu 140, Kirinyaga 146, Laikipia 152, Nandi 155, Embu 162, Nakuru 163, Lamu 171, Tharaka Nithi 175, Taita Taveta 179, Meru 181, Bungoma 185, Trans Nzoia 185, Baringo 188, Kitui 190, Busia 199, Kakamega 209, Samburu 209, Kisii 221, Nairobi 230, Nyamira 230, Kiambu 232, and Vihiga 255.

See Also

  1. Number of deaths in Kenya per year
  2. Kenya life expectancy in Kenya by county
  3. Number of children per woman. Fertility rates by county


[1] The World Bank. What is the definition of adult mortality? Accessed from https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/114956-what-is-the-definition-of-adult-mortality 

[2] The World Bank. World Development Indicators. Accessed from https://databank.worldbank.org/reports.aspx?source=2&country=ARE 

[3] KNBS 2024. Economic Survey 2024. Nairobi, Kenya.

[4] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2024). World Population Prospects 2024, Online Edition.

[5] The Civil Registration Services in Kenya reported a sex ratio at birth of 104 males per 100 females in 2023 (Kenya Economic Survey 2024), which is higher than the UN estimates.

[6] Ministry of Health (2018). Kenya HIV Estimates Report 2018.

[7] United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2022 Revision. (2) HMD. Human Mortality Database. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany), University of California, Berkeley (USA), and French Institute for Demographic Studies (France). Available at www.mortality.org

[8] 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census: Analytical report on mortality. Vol. VII. 

[9] Regarding adult mortalities by counties, the Kenya Bureau of Statistics observes that “caution should be taken for the high male adult mortality in central Kenya. This may be due to the high number of respondents from single mothers who reported their fathers to be dead and that was not so or reported not to know whether the father is alive or not. Similarly, caution should be taken for counties with higher female than male adult mortality which may be an indication of errors in reporting by age. They include Isiolo, Tana River, Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera.” See page 40. (Kenya Population and Housing Census (2019). Analytical report on mortality. Vol. VII. P. 40.).

Kenya Adult Mortality Rate in Males and Females by County

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