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Population using the Internet in Kenya by Constituency - Stats Kenya

An internet user is a person who has used the internet at least once in the last three months from any location and using any device, including a computer, digital television, or mobile phone. In 2021, the percentage of the Kenyan population that had used the internet was 28.8%, up from 22.6% in 2019. 

The number of people using the internet in 2021 was 15.34 million, compared to 9.87 million in 2019. The county with the highest share of internet users was Nairobi at 52.4%, while the lowest was Turkana at 6.9%.

Read: Number of people using the internet in Kenya by county

This article provides a comprehensive list of the population using the internet in Kenya by constituency in 2019. Please scroll down to find each county and its constituencies.[1]

Percent distribution of the population in Kenya accessing the internet by constituency in 2019.

Mombasa County 

  1. Kisauni            26.9
  2. Nyali    34.7
  3. Jomvu 23.1
  4. Changamwe    25.5
  5. Mvita   57
  6. Likoni   19.4

Kwale County       

  1. Kinango           5.8
  2. Matuga            10.2
  3. Msambweni     19.4
  4. Lungalunga     3.5

Kilifi County

  1. Magarini          5.3
  2. Malindi            20
  3. Ganze 4.2
  4. Kilifi North       16.3
  5. Kilifi South       14.3
  6. Kaloleni           8
  7. Rabai   7.4

Tana River County

  1. Bura    4.1
  2. Galole  8.5
  3. Garsen            6

Lamu County        

  1. Lamu East       5.6
  2. Lamu West      13.6

Taita Taveta County        

  1. Voi       24
  2. Wundanyi        11.2
  3. Mwatate          12.2
  4. Taveta 11.9

Garissa County    

  1. Lagdera           2.7
  2. Balambala       4.5
  3. Dadaab           4.2
  4. Garissa Township       19
  5. Fafi      3.5
  6. Ijara     5.6

Wajir County         

  1. Wajir North      3.4
  2. Eldas   4.1
  3. Tarbaj 1.9
  4. Wajir East        8.3
  5. Wajir West       2.2
  6. Wajir South     3.2

Mandera County   

  1. Mandera East 6.6
  2. Lafey   4.2
  3. Mandera South           5
  4. Mandera North            2.9
  5. Banisa             2.3
  6. Mandera West            3

Marsabit County   

  1. North Horr       1.8
  2. Laisamis          2.7
  3. Saku    9.6
  4. Moyale            5.1

Isiolo County        

  1. Isiolo North      11.8
  2. Isiolo South     3

Meru County         

  1. Igembe North 3.7
  2. Igembe Central           5.8
  3. Igembe South 7.8
  4. Tigania East    4
  5. Tigania West   7.6
  6. North Imenti    24
  7. Buuri    13.3
  8. Central Imenti 10.5
  9. South Imenti    11.6

Tharaka-Nithi County     

  1. Maara 13.9
  2. Chuka/Igambang'ombe           15.3
  3. Tharaka           5.8

Embu County        

  1. Runyenjes       10.4
  2. Manyatta         25
  3. Mbeere North 8.7
  4. Mbeere South             9.6

Kitui County

  1. Mwingi North   4.4
  2. Mwingi Central            7.7
  3. Mwingi West    6
  4. Kitui East         4.6
  5. Kitui Central    14.2
  6. Kitui West        7
  7. Kitui Rural       4.8
  8. Kitui South      6.7

Machakos County

  1. Masinga          6.2
  2. Yatta    7.4
  3. Mwala 7.7
  4. Matungulu       12.9
  5. Kangundo       8.4
  6. Kathiani           7.8
  7. Mavoko           36.4
  8. Machakos       20.7

Makueni County   

  1. Mbooni            7.2
  2. Kaiti     8.3
  3. Kilome 9
  4. Makueni          13.6
  5. Kibwezi West  11.6
  6. Kibwezi East   7.6

Nyandarua County

  1. Ndaragwa        14.8
  2. Ol Jorok           15.4
  3. Ol Kalou          13.1
  4. Kipipiri             7.4
  5. Kinangop         12.1

Nyeri County        

  1. Kieni    17.4
  2. Mathira            20.2
  3. Mukurwe-Ini    13
  4. Nyeri Town      38
  5. Tetu     17.8
  6. Othaya 15.8

Kirinyaga County 

  1. Gichugu           11.2
  2. Kirinyaga Central        20.8
  3. Ndia     14.9
  4. Mwea 11.7

Murang'a County  

  1. Mathioya         9.3
  2. Kangema        9.8
  3. Kigumo            8.5
  4. Gatanga          14.3
  5. Kiharu  17.4
  6. Kandara          9.8
  7. Maragwa         14.8

Kiambu County    

  1. Thika Town      45.1
  2. Juja     46.3
  3. Ruiru   51
  4. Gatundu North            13.3
  5. Gatundu South           12.3
  6. Githunguri       20
  7. Kiambu            54.9
  8. Kiambaa          42.1
  9. Lari      17.7
  10. Limuru             28.4
  11. Kabete            45.5
  12. Kikuyu             48

Turkana County    

  1. Turkana North             1.7
  2. Turkana West 5.5
  3. Turkana Central          9.4
  4. Loima 1.1
  5. Turkana South            4.1
  6. Turkana East 1.4

West Pokot County         

  1. Kachelba         1.9
  2. Kapenguria      6.4
  3. Pokot South    3.2
  4. Sigor    1.6

Samburu County  

  1. Samburu North           1.6
  2. Samburu West            11.4
  3. Samburu East             4.5

Trans Nzoia County        

  1. Endebess        5.3
  2. Kwanza           11.4
  3. Cherangany    6.7
  4. Kiminini           16.8
  5. Saboti  14.3

Uasin Gishu County       

  1. Soy      12.1
  2. Turbo   21.7
  3. Moiben            22.4
  4. Kapseret         23
  5. Kesses            24.8
  6. Ainabkoi          23.1

Elgeyo/Marakwet County

  1. Keiyo North     10.6
  2. Keiyo South    5.9
  3. Marakwet East            2.3
  4. Marakwet West           4.1

Nandi County        

  1. Mosop 6.5
  2. Chesumei        13.3
  3. Emgwen          12.4
  4. Aldai    5.8
  5. Nandi Hills       11.4
  6. Tinderet           6.3

Baringo County    

  1. Tiaty    2.2
  2. Baringo North 4.6
  3. Baringo Central           14.5
  4. Baringo South 6.8
  5. Eldama Ravine           14.2
  6. Mogotio           7.8

Laikipia County    

  1. Laikipia North 4.8
  2. Laikipia East   27.2
  3. Laikipia West 15.5

Nakuru County     

  1. Subukia           9.4
  2. Rongai            20.3
  3. Bahati  28.2
  4. Nakuru Town West     26.1
  5. Nakuru Town East      46.9
  6. Gilgil    19.8
  7. Naivasha         24.1
  8. Njoro   12.4
  9. Molo    13.3
  10. Kuresoi South             6.5
  11. Kuresoi North 5.6

Narok County       

  1. Narok North    14.2
  2. Narok East      4.4
  3. Narok South    4.4
  4. Narok West     5.3
  5. Kilgoris            5.8
  6. Emurua Dikirr  4.6

Kajiado County     

  1. Kajiado North 47.7
  2. Kajiado West   16.5
  3. Kajiado East    33.3
  4. Kajiado Central           15.5
  5. Kajiado South 9.4

Kericho County    

  1. Kipkelion East 8.4
  2. Kipkelion West            6.3
  3. Ainamoi           21
  4. Belgut 12.1
  5. Soin Sigowet   6.7
  6. Bureti   11.1

Bomet County      

  1. Konoin             7.3
  2. Bomet Central             13.2
  3. Sotik    10.5
  4. Bomet East     4.8
  5. Chepalungu    5

Kakamega County

  1. Likuyani           7.4
  2. Lugari 7.3
  3. Malava 7.6
  4. Shinyalu          7.4
  5. Navakholo       6
  6. Lurambi           26.2
  7. Ikolomani         6.1
  8. Matungu          4.6
  9. Mumias East   6.7
  10. Mumias West 8
  11. Butere 6.6
  12. Khwisero         5.9

Vihiga County       

  1. Hamisi             7.3
  2. Sabatia            10.2
  3. Vihiga 11.7
  4. Luanda            9.9
  5. Emuhaya         8.5

Bungoma County 

  1. Mt. Elgon         3.9
  2. Sirisia  4.8
  3. Bumula            3.7
  4. Kabuchai         5.2
  5. Kanduyi           14.6
  6. Kimilili 7.1
  7. Webuye West 9.7
  8. Webuye East  9.5
  9. Tongaren         6.8

Busia County        

  1. Teso North      7.7
  2. Teso South      7.2
  3. Nambale          4.4
  4. Matayos          12.6
  5. Butula 5.1
  6. Funyula           10.3
  7. Budalangi        8.6

Siaya County        

  1. Ugenya           7.4
  2. Ugunja            9
  3. Alego Usonga 9.2
  4. Gem    7.5
  5. Bondo 11.2
  6. Rarieda           7.2

Kisumu County    

  1. Muhoroni         9.9
  2. Nyando           11.8
  3. Nyakach          10.4
  4. Kisumu East    23.8
  5. Kisumu Central           46.7
  6. Kisumu West   18.5
  7. Seme   7.1

Homa Bay County

  1. Suba    6.1
  2. Mbita   12.2
  3. Ndhiwa            5.6
  4. Homa Bay Town          15.6
  5. Rangwe           7.2
  6. Karachuonyo   6.8
  7. Kasipul            11.5
  8. Kabondo Kasipul        8.1

Migori County       

  1. Rongo 13.1
  2. Awendo           9.7
  3. Uriri     6.9
  4. Suna East       31.3
  5. Suna West      10.7
  6. Kuria West      9.9
  7. Kuria East       6.2
  8. Nyatike            6.7

Kisii County

  1. Kitutu Chache North   5.1
  2. Kitutu Chache South   17.5
  3. Bonchari          9.5
  4. Nyaribari Chache        17.1
  5. Nyaribari Masaba        4.7
  6. Bobasi 4.3
  7. Bomachoge Chache   8.7
  8. Bomachoge Borabu    6.2
  9. South Mugirango         7.1

Nyamira County    

  1. North Mugirango         6.1
  2. West Mugirango          8.2
  3. Kitutu Masaba 8
  4. Borabu            9.1

Nairobi City County        

  1. Kasarani          49.5
  2. Roysambu       54.8
  3. Ruaraka          28.3
  4. Embakasi North          27.7
  5. Embakasi Central       41.3
  6. Embakasi West           56
  7. Mathare           24.8
  8. Kamukunji       37.2
  9. Makadara        41.8
  10. Embakasi East            52.6
  11. Embakasi South         31.4
  12. Westlands       45
  13. Dagoretti North           47.2
  14. Dagoretti South           44.8
  15. Starehe           49.8
  16. Kibra    31.4
  17. Langata           60.2

See Also

  1. Number of people using the internet in Kenya by county
  2. Population access to electricity in Kenya by constituency
  3. Poverty rates in Kenya by constituency


  1. Commission on Revenue Allocation (2022). Kenya County Factsheets.

Population using the Internet in Kenya by Constituency - Stats Kenya

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